Tag: maps

  • Gulf of Whatever

    gulf of whatever from mapquest map generator

    Back in those innocent days before everyone used Google maps to get somewhere, we would print out all the pages from MapQuest. It was revolutionary, not needing to chart your own path from a foldable map you could never refold or barely read. Maybe this was where we lost our way down the path of ease and convenience. Alas Google (Waze) and Apple now lead us to our destinations.

    But MapQuest still exists, and let the world know in a simple and defiant act of satire–Name Your Own Gulf. Go ahead, give it a name you prefer, since that’s how things are these days.

  • Map of whiskey producing countries

    For some time, I’ve been meaning to play with web friendly mapping and visualization tools such as d3.js, datamaps.js or crosslet.js. D3 is quickly becoming the defacto standard for displaying statistical visualizations on the web, and other libraries are hooking in to add additional capabilities, like mapping. Communicating data effectively is the future, if not right now, and being able to get that data on to the web efficiently is a valuable skill.

    Like all skills, you need experience, and as a beginner it’s often best to dive in and muck around. It’s helpful, too, to have a purpose, or an itch to scratch when playing around with new tools. In my case, I wanted to create a map of countries that produce whisk(e)y.

    First, I needed which countries produced whiskey. There’s no real definitive list, thus I used a composite of sources. And by produce, I mean distill. Also, I may have missed some countries or left them off if I could not corroborate what info I did find. Note, Scotland, Wales, England are part of the United Kingdom.

    Next, I chose datamaps.js as my mapping tool. It looked straight forward and minimal. Tweaking a few settings, I set the default map color to grey and whiskey producing countries to red. To tell the tool to flag countries, you use an international three letter abbreviation and assign it an attribute. For example, here’s the designation for Australia:

    AUS: {
    fillKey: 'MAKES'

    Datamaps.js can also add other contextual information in its rollover of a country. Say you know how many distilleries there are for a country, you can add an additional property.

    Below is a screenshot of the map. Click here to view the map of whiskey producers in the world.

    Countries colored red are those that distill whisk(e)y.

  • Fort Worth City Council Rep Twitter representation

    The Fort Worth City Council consists of nine members: the mayor and 8 city council representatives.  The current city council comprises of the following individuals:

    • Mayor: Betsy Price
    • District 2: Sap Espino
    • District 3: Zim Zimmerman
    • District 4: Danny Scarth
    • District 5: Frank Moss
    • District 6: Jungus Jordan
    • District 7: Dennis Shingleton
    • District 8: Kathleen Hicks – on Twitter
    • District 9: Joel Burns – on Twitter

    Below are two maps. Using the Fort Worth GIS city council overlays, I used Photoshop to layer the districts over a Google Maps still.  Due to the shape of the districts and lacking quality from the GIS, the overlay below is approximate.  Districts containing the Twitter bird represent those districts with a city council representative that has a Twitter account. The second, shows, for comparison, districts with a rep on Twitter versus the remainder of the city. Click the images to make larger.

    More analysis tomorrow.

    Fort Worth City Council Districts and Twitter representation


    Fort Worth City Council Districts and reps with Twitter accounts