Tag: 4K

  • Speed in 4K

    Pop quiz hotshot. What 90s action movie starring Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, and Dennis Hopper holds up nearly 30 years later?

    Speed in 4K

    It check all the boxes you want in in action movie:

    ✔️ a cool underdog to root for
    ✔️ a charismatic villain
    ✔️ a diverse cast of side characters adding life to the story
    ✔️ tight pacing with just enough breaks to catch your breath
    ✔️ snappy dialogue
    ✔️ thrilling action sequences that defy physics
    ✔️ explosions
    ✔️ a satisfying ending

    The cinematography and camera work look excellent in 4K. One thing I appreciated was the sound mixing. The dialogue wasn’t drowned out by music or action, something that seems to be rare these days.