Category: Movies

Movies high, low, action, adventure, comedy, drama, sci-fi, horror, western, zombie, samurai, dvd, blockbuster

  • Salt

    Salt, with Angelina Jolie, is pretty much a Bourne movie with the main, tortured hero as a female.  And to think, Tom Cruise was once considered for the part.

  • Inception deconstructed

    The Awl deconstructs Inception as a movie about making movies, or the act of creation.

    Like 8½, Inception is a movie about making movies; it’s not that the whole movie “is a dream,” though, but rather that the whole movie is an allegory of creation.

    Upon second viewing, the metaphor for creation makes sense across the entire 2.5 hours–seeking a muse, finding inspiration beyond that muse and persevering to bring your vision to reality.