Show #10 – CiCLOP at The Modern

CiCLOP stands for Cincinnatti Composers Laptop Orchestra Project. Saturday, at The Modern, five guys dressed in black played a surreal version of electronic music using laptop computers (and an iPad). Each member would perform using their keyboard, and in turn, their actions processed by software to create sound.

The first song, Clix, consisted of a percussive, snapping, click. As the song progressed, each member would join in, creating the aural equivalent of a fractal. The challenge with live music, at least to me, is to make the performance as engaging as the music. Usually, electronic music relies on lights or visuals to add to the show. CiCLOP did have visuals, however, I didn’t find them interesting after the first minute or so. One song, Tipping Point, processed sounds with the help of the computers motion sensor. The members twisted, bent and moved their arms to create a layered, droning soundscape.

The Modern’s theater is a hidden gem of a venue–perfect for intimate shows where sound matters to create a lush experience.

CiCLOP performs at the Modern
CiCLOP performs at the Modern